I want to share with you how to import and export WordPress users. Some time ago, I tried to export users in WordPress so that I can add them to an email list, I did research I found an easy and simple method to import and export users in WordPress. This method can be used for numerous purposes such as, if you want to export all user data which includes Email address, Name, bio, etc. In this article, I will share with you how to import and export users in WordPress from one website to another.
Why Do I Need To Export WordPress Users?
There are many reasons why you might need to export WordPress users, maybe you want to upload the users to your mailing list or upload the users to another WordPress site. For any reason you want to export your WordPress users, this tutorial on how to import export users in WordPress will be a great help to you. You can read our article on how to start a WordPress Blog with BlueHost.
How To Import and Export Users In WordPress
Login to your WordPress dashboard, Go to Plugin and click on add a new plugin.
Now, search for Import Export WordPress Users by WebTofee. Firstly, you need to install and activate the Import Export WordPress Users plugin.
After installing and activating Import Export WordPress Users plugin, go to Users and hover your mouse on Users and click on User Import Export.
On this User Import Export page, you have the option to select user role you want to export from your WordPress website.
Columns: Select the user fields you want to export with the user. By default, all user fields will be exported. If for any reason there are fields you don’t want to export, simply uncheck the boxes on the column section.
=> Scroll down to Export Users, Click on the Export Users button and it will be exported to your computer as a CSV file.
Now that the CSV file is saved on your computer, you can upload the user emails to your mailing list. If you want to add the users to another website, you can easily use this CSV file to import users into another WordPress website.
Now that you have learned how to export WordPress users, follow the next step below to learn how to import users into a WordPress website.
How To import Users In WordPress
Follow this tutorial carefully to learn how to import Users into a WordPress site. To import users on a WordPress website, we are going to use the same Import Export WordPress Users plugin that we used to export users.
Firstly, you must install and activate the Import Export WordPress Users plugin on the WordPress site you want to import users.
=>> Users >> Users Import Export: Go to Users, click on User Import Export. Wait for the User Import Export page to load.
=> Click on the User/Customer import.
=> Choose file: Select the CSV file you want to upload from your computer.
=> Click on the Upload file and import button.
After importing users in the CSV file, you will see a successful message showing details on how many users imported.
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