WASSCE: How To Check WAEC Result

Are you searching for how to check WAEC result? If yes, you are in the right place. In this tutorial, I will share walk you through step by step instruction on how to check WAEC result by yourself from the comfort of your office, home, or place of work.

There are two different procedures by which you can check your WAEC exam result, which is through the internet (online) and through SMS, which doesn’t require internet access. But if you intend to print out your WAEC result, you need to it online.

Requirements For Checking WAEC Result

To check WAEC result, you should have your WAEC scratch card which is solely for checking WAEC examination results. Some schools share this scratch card to students, but in case you don’t have yours. You can buy it from any authorized dealers nearest to your area such as from banks, post offices, retailers, etc.

WAEC examination number and candidate number, these are the examination numbers you used when you wrote the WAEC exam. They are essential and mandatory to check WAEC result.

If you have the information as mentioned above, then move on to the step by step instruction and guideline on how to check WAEC result.

How To Check WAEC Result Online

How To Check WAEC Result

If you don’t have a WAEC scratch card, you can buy it from banks, retailers, or authorized dealers nearest to you.

• Go to WAEC official portal for checking results by clicking www.waecdirect.org
• WAEC Examination Number: Enter your examination number; this is your 7-digit centre number followed by your 3-digit candidate number. It should be a ten-digit number, i.e. 4123456546.
• Year of Examination: Select the year you participated in the WAEC examination, for example, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
• Type of Examination: Select the type of exam you took, that is MAY/JUNE or NOV/DEC.
• Card Serial Number: Put the card serial number, you will find it on the back of the WAEC scratch card for checking result.
• PIN: Enter the PIN on the WAEC scratch card.
• Submit: Click on the submit button to get your WAEC result.

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